Making Love

This was my first full week at the new job.  I like it, but the drive is so long.  I have to get up pretty early and don’t get home until late.  As a result, I have been going to bed as soon as i get home.  Friday night i was cuddled up on the couch with Master and i realized how much i have missed Him.  We watched movies, and i fell asleep in His arms. 

Yesterday Master was really touchy-feely.  He told me a lot of things that have been going on in His head, including how much He missed me this week.  We went to our room around 8 (early for us) and cuddled up on the bed to watch tv.  Before i knew it, Master was kissing my neck, rubbing my nipples, and grinding His dick into my back.  After a while i rolled over to face Him, and started kissing and running my hands all over His body.  When i couldn’t take it any more i begged, “Master, please fuck me.”  He kissed me and said, “I don’t want to fuck you tonight, my love.  I wast to make love to you.” 

i was taken aback.  Not to say i have never felt like we were making love, but i have never gotten that reaction before.  i smiled and kissed Him.  “I am so in love with you, dari,” He told me.  (He tells me He loves me all the time, but had told me at one point He would not let Himself fall in live with me.)  i melted.  i almost cried.  It really meant a lot to me.  Then He kissed me and slowly slid His cock into me.  Every move was slow and deliberate.  Even when i begged Him to go faster or harder He held me tighter and kept his same pace.  And i am so glad He did.  i had one of the best orgasms i have ever had.  Afterward He rolled me onto my side and held me all night long.  This morning i woke up with Him next to me.  i couldn’t ask for more.

One response to “Making Love

  1. What a blessing it is to have the best of both worlds……I know so many women in both M/s and vanilla relationships that don’t have that dynamic with their partner. It is wonderful to be taken and used, fucked absolutely silly and left feeling drained and sort of like a rag-doll and then a few days later treated with such tenderness and care that you feel like a piece of finest porcelain. How wonderful for you that He acknowledges the need for you both to reconnect not only the physical side of your relationship, but the emotional ties you share as well. You are indeed a lucky girl…..I think He’s probably pretty lucky as well! 🙂

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